Askari Security & IS Ltd



Invest some time to reach out to us about our services. We are ready to work with you no matter how big or small your security needs are. We also take the time with not only each of our clients but with each setup to build and develop the right security setup imaginable. Security needs can be fluid, so we work to not only build out a one-time security framework but an adaptable one at that as well.

When you reach out to us, we’ll take the time to gather as much information as possible during that initial contact. Then, we assess your overall needs and all the risk parameters of the location or the event. Only when we have a comprehensive assessment completed, do we get back to you with a complete transparent breakdown.

We pride ourselves on being both competitively priced without losing out on the quality that we provide. So don’t wait any longer, and drop us a line as soon as you know you’re going to need high-quality, licensed security services for any type of event. We’re proud to say that our levels of quality have also helped us to get both ISO 9001 and ISO 45001 certifications. This means how we’re running everything operationally has been proven, as well as how we handle the health and security of each of our employees and those we work with.

We think you’ll be pleasantly surprised by our offering and how we’re able to accommodate all your needs, even if it’s last-minute or way into the future. If you’re only looking to get informational service on what security services look like or you want to work with us in some other type of collaboration, we’re ready to receive your message.



44 yates street, Derby
DE23 8QZ
United Kingdom




Monday – Friday: 24Hrs
Saturday – Sunday: 24Hrs 

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